Gerry Patrick Hemming invented Oswald. He first met him at Subic Bay when they were both in the Marines and him and Oswald when Huk hunting together - sneaking off base a killing Philippine communist guerrillas. Having committed murders together Oswald trusted Hemming who introducted hi to Angleton who sent Oswald to the Soviet Union to give info needed to shoot down U-2 and sabotage Summit Talks. Oswald returned, a re-defector, a Hemming got the bright idea to use him in a plot to kill the President of the United States and blame it on Fidel Castro. He had Oswald doing all kinds of stuff prior to the assassination like shooting at his friend Walker, going to the Sportsdrome Range and more. He offered him twice what Oswald paid for his Mannlicher Carcano and had he bring it to the TSBD the day of the big event. I got to know Gerry Hemming and his family pretty well and believe me he was a piece of work. He was unpredictable.
What Stone Cold Guilty can offer that will set it apart from other books on the case includes - intimate, accessible, real-time reporting and analysis that did not appear in mainstream media. - Compelling evidence that Laci was already dead and had been taken to the Bay before 10:08 am December 24, 2002 - That Peterson made two trips to the San Francisco Bay and why the prosecutors did not present that theory at trial. - Peterson self-sabotaged the "perfect crime" because of his personality. - Fruit of the investigation that was not introduced (or not admitted) at trial, including results of the various dog tracking, sonar findings, and specific deep-water research on Peterson's computer.
Judging by the stance of the leadership of the Democratic Party and much of the media, Hillary Clinton's devastating loss in the presidential election of November 2016 was all the fault of pernicious Russian leaks, unwarranted FBI investigations and a skewed electoral college. Rarely blamed was the party's decision to run a deeply unpopular candidate on an uninspiring platform. At a time of widespread dissatisfaction with business-as-usual politics, the Democrats chose to field a quintessential insider.
In Maximum Harm, veteran investigative journalist Michele R. McPhee unravels the complex story behind the public facts of the Boston Marathon bombing. She examines the bombers’ roots in Dagestan and Chechnya, their struggle to assimilate in America, and their growing hatred of the United States—a deepening antagonism that would prompt federal prosecutors to dub Dzhokhar Tsarnaev “America's worst nightmare.” The difficulties faced by the Tsarnaev family of Cambridge, Massachusetts, are part of the public record. Circumstances less widely known are the FBI’s recruitment of the older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, as a “mosque crawler” to inform on radical separatists here and in Chechnya
Set in a world where crime and government coexist, AMERICAN MADE is the mind-twisting true story of CIA pilot Barry Seal that the Hollywood movie starring Tom Cruise is afraid to tell.
Barry Seal flew cocaine and weapons worth billions of dollars into and out of America in the 1980s. After he became a government informant, Pablo Escobar's Medellin Cartel offered a million for him alive and half a million dead. But his real trouble began after he threatened to expose the dirty dealings of George HW Bush.
AMERICAN MADE rips the roof off Bush and Clinton's complicity in cocaine trafficking in Mena, Arkansas.
"A conspiracy of the grandest magnitude." Congressman Bill Alexander on the Mena affair.
Shaun Attwood's WAR ON DRUGS SERIES - PABLO ESCOBAR, AMERICAN MADE, WE ARE BEING LIED TO and THE CALI CARTEL - are harrowing, action-packed and interlinked true stories that demonstrate the devastating consequences of drug prohibition.
Shaun Attwood is a London-based best-selling author with 100,000 copies sold.
The first book to reveal how the Warren Commission's most famous critics and defenders were working for the same team. On any major conspiracy involving CIA ops, the company puts its players into the driver's seat on both sides of the wedge. It has taken Hager 30 years to untangle the basic outline of the op, and he doesn't pretend to have the final story, just something closer than the average JFK book, many of which run long and are stuffed with unessential detail. Despite the avalanche of disinfo dumped by the major media over the decades, the assassination of JFK has unraveled. A renegade CIA station working with a Sicilian secret society orchestrated the hit, but their participation would never have been so massively covered-up unless they were working for elements at the highest levels of the Pentagon and NSA.
Why was President Abraham Lincoln left unguarded when the War Department knew there were serious plots against him? Why was John Wilkes Booth killed when he was discovered locked inside a tobacco barn and surrounded by 25 soldiers? Why were two innocents swiftly hanged by a military tribunal and not allowed to testify in their own defense? The files on the conspiracy trial had been immediately sealed and not available for review by anyone in the interest of national security. A glaring problem, however, was the star witness in the initial military tribunal, Sanford Conover, had recently been exposed as a serial perjurer whose testimony on just about anything was probably available for the right fee.
Marilyn Monroe died under suspicious circumstances on the night of August 4, 1962. In The Murder of Marilyn Monroe: Case Closed, renowned MM expert Jay Margolis and New York Times best-selling author Richard Buskin finally lay to rest more than 50 years of wild speculation and misguided assertions by actually naming the screen goddess's killer. At the same time, they use the testimony of eyewitnesses to describe exactly what took place inside her house on Fifth Helena Drive in Los Angeles's Brentwood neighborhood. Implicating Bobby Kennedy in the commission of Monroe's murder, this is the first book to name the LAPD officers who accompanied the attorney general to her home, provide details about how the Kennedys used bribes to silence one of the ambulance drivers, and specify how the subsequent cover-up was aided by a noted pathologist's outrageous lies. This blockbuster volume blows the lid off the world's most notorious and talked-about celebrity death, and in the process also exposes the third gunman in the pantry who delivered the fatal bullet to the back of RFK's head - and the third gunman's female accomplice who, until now, has only been known to the LAPD and the FBI as "the girl in the polka-dot dress."
The True Story Behind The Hit Film 'Casino' From An ‘Enforcer’ Who Lived It Tony Spilotro was the Mob’s man in Las Vegas. A feared enforcer, the bosses knew Tony would do whatever it took to protect their interests. The “Little Guy” built a criminal empire that was the envy of mobsters across the country, and his childhood pal, Frank Cullotta helped him do it. But Tony’s quest for power and lack of self-control with women cost the Mob its control of Vegas; and Tony paid for it with his life.
Known as the “Vampire Rapist” or “Strangler Bill” for his distinctive modus operandi, Wayne Boden would rape, strangle and bite the breasts of his victims. His murdering rampage would continue in two cities over three years; he was only caught by superior evidence gathering and the help of an orthodontist. This book asks the question of “How do we really know our boyfriend or lover when we don’t want to ask the questions, not only because we don’t want to know the answers for what it will tell us about them, but because of what it tells us about ourselves?” True Crime Author Alan R. Warren takes you through the details of the case including the dental impressions used in court to convict Boden, a first in Canadian history, as well as Boden's escape from a maximum-security prison.
Beachgoers usually dread riptides and rainy days, but from 1974 to 1983, a different fear gripped the New Jersey Shore: young women were disappearing. Their abductor was Richard Biegenwald, a man released for good behavior after serving seventeen years in prison for murder and spending time in a psychiatric facility. Police arrested him on suspicion of rape, and it was not until they connected him to a woman's death in Asbury Park that he finally stopped his rampage. Investigators later linked him to nine murders and convicted him of five. Former New Jersey state trooper John O'Rourke narrates the chilling story of the Jersey Shore Thrill Killer.
The story of Richard Cottingham, the "Times Square Ripper" or "Times Square Torso Killer", one of America's most sadistically depraved serial killers.
A shocking case of unbridled sex, sadism, prostitution, porn, singles bars, date-rape drugs, abduction, bondage, handcuffs, duct tape, torture, sexploitation, perverted paraphilic fetishes, serial killing, and dismemberment on New York's notorious Times Square and the Forty-Deuce in the 1970s.
Historian Peter Vronsky describes his brief encounter with serial killer Cottingham in a seedy New York hotel in 1979 that later inspired him to write his best-seller history Serial Killers: The Method and Madness of Monsters. In Times Square Torso Ripper, Vronsky explores the history of the notorious Forty-Deuce strip on 42nd Street near Times Square and how it spawned the sadistic monster Richard Cottingham in an era before the term "serial killer" had been coined in popular culture.
This book contains photos and graphic statements that some may find very disturbing.
Given up for adoption by his mother at only a few weeks old, Robert Black is placed with physically abusive foster parents setting the tone for who, and what, he'd become - a pedophile and serial killer. Starting at the age of five, he recalls being sexually curious and began placing items in his anus at the age of eight. He'd sexually assault hundreds of little girls before committing his first murder.
This coloring book was conceived to bring healing to anyone who was abused as a child. Each survivor possesses infinite resources of intelligence, creativity, sensitivity, and wisdom with which to heal. The messages and images in this book were developed to tap into these inner resources. Dr. Lacter has been observing "what works" to heal child abuse trauma for 35 years. This book shares these approaches in a fun, hope-giving medium- a coloring book. As the reader applies color to the images and lingers on their meaning, the value within the images can be gradually internalized to help each survivor pave a personal path for healing
TWA Flight 800 crashed into the Atlantic shortly after takeoff from JFK airport on July 17, 1996, killing all 230 passengers on board. Although initial reports suggested a terrorist attack, FBI and NTSB investigators blamed a fuel tank explosion. But skeptics have long questioned the official story, and new evidence has surfaced that suggests a widespread conspiracy...
In TWA 800, historian Jack Cashill introduces new documents and testimonies that reveal the shocking true chain of events: from the disastrous crash to the high-level decision to create a cover story and the attempts to silence anyone who dared speak the truth.
Nearly twenty years after they happened, the ATF and FBI assaults on the Branch Davidian residence near Waco, Texas remain the most deadly law enforcement action on American soil. The raid by Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms agents on February 28, 1993, which resulted in the deaths of four ATF agents and six Branch Davidians, precipitated a 51-day siege conducted by the FBI. The FBI tank and gas assault on the residence at Mount Carmel Center on April 19 culminated in a fire that killed 53 adults and 23 children, with only nine survivors.
Lt. Col. Robert “Buzz” Patterson exposes the terrifying, behind-the-scenes story of the years when the most irresponsible President in our history had his finger on the nuclear trigger. Dereliction of Duty is the inside story of the damage Bill Clinton did to the U.S. military and how he compromised our national security. From his laughable salutes, to his arrogant, anti-military staffers, the message came through loud and clear: the Clinton Administration had nothing but contempt for America’s men and women in uniform.
For two years, Patterson was the White House military aide who carried the “nuclear football,” which provides the President with remote nuclear strike capabilities. What he witnessed is shocking.
Dolly Kyle met former president Clinton (Billy as she calls him) on a Hot Springs golf course when she was eleven and he was almost thirteen. It was colpo de fulmine (the thunderbolt) at first sight. Their friendship grew throughout high school and college. It became a decades-long affair that lasted despite marriages and politics all the way to the threshold of the White House when she became a political liability, and he threatened to destroy her, as Hillary had done to so many of his other women over the years. What you know about the Clintons is probably limited to the pleasantries that the mainstream media have chosen to share with you. Hillary the Other Woman pulls no punches in describing the way media magic makes Clinton stories disappear.
L.A. Secret Police. Inside the LAPD Elite Spy Network is a New York Times and Los Angeles Times Bestseller. This incredible non-fiction book rips the lid off the LAPD and exposes the reader to its dark underbelly of corruption during the reign of Chief Daryl Gates. L.A. cops ruined lives and reputations, inflicted mindless brutality, committed murder and engaged in massive cover-ups. In Los Angeles, police corruption was much more than unmarked envelopes stuffed with cash. It was a total corruption of power. For decades LAPD engaged in massive illegal spying and lied about it. Its spying targets included politicians, movie stars, professional athletes, news reporters and anyone wielding power or those of interest to Daryl Gates. Incredibly, the spying targets included a Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, a Secretary of Defense, a current Governor and the President of the United States. It all happened in Los Angeles.
When Steve Smith set out to hitchhike from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario to Canada’s west coast back in 1968, he was just an eighteen-year-old hippie with an appetite for adventure. But a short way into his journey, a reckless decision to steal a car landed him in police custody. Afraid of getting caught with the two tabs of acid in his pocket, Steve popped them into his mouth. It was one of the worst decisions of his life.
Mistaking his drug trip for a mental breakdown, the authorities placed him in Ontario’s notorious Oak Ridge mental health facility. While there, not only did he find himself shoulder-to-shoulder with people like notorious child killer Peter Woodcock and mass murderers Matt Lamb and Victor Hoffman, he also fell into the hands of someone worse: Dr. Elliot T. Barker.
Over the next eight months, Barker subjected Steve and the other patients to a battery of unorthodox experiments involving LSD, scopolamine, methamphetamines, and other drugs. Steven also experienced numerous other forms of abuse and torture.
What would you do if you were arrested and wrongly charged with a crime? It can happen in the blink of an eye. It's not supposed to happen in the United States, but it can at any time. After being advised by his attorney in 2013 that his new marketing strategy was legal, Florida locksmith David Merkatz was shocked to learn he was under criminal investigation. Then he was arrested and charged with money laundering and an organized scheme to defraud. With the flip of a switch, he was facing a 20-year prison sentence. He was terrified. Life as he knew it was over, and it happened in an instant. But David Merkatz was determined to fight back. By reading his shocking, true story, you'll learn: • What to do if you're suddenly arrested • How to get through the booking and arraignment process • Why you should always carry a bail bondsman's card • The pros and cons of accepting a plea bargain • How to appeal
A Voice for Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens is much more than a memoir; it is a humanizing tribute to Chris Stevens the man, by the woman who loved him. Lydie M. Denier, former fiancée and the love of Chris Stevens’ life, paints an intimate portrait of the brilliant and mercurial diplomat, teacher and Arabist that was Chris Stevens.
Murdered in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, along with Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, Chris’ voice has been silenced, his personality buried beneath an avalanche of sordid headlines, political agendas and lies. In her book, Ms. Denier gives Chris a voice, finally setting the record straight about their passionate and turbulent love affair, his commitment to the people of the Middle East, and her dedicated quest to uncover the truth about what really happened the day Chris Stevens was killed and more importantly, why he was not protected. From Hollywood to Cairo, Washington D.C. to Libya, Ms. Denier shares the joy and pain of love, loss, tragedy and healing.
Shortly after being elected president of the United States, James Garfield was shot by Charles Guiteau. But contrary to what is written in most history books, Garfield didn’t linger and die. He survived. Alexander Graham Bell raced against time to invent the world’s first metal detector to locate the bullet in Garfield’s body so that doctors could safely operate. Despite Bell’s efforts to save Garfield, however, and as never before fully revealed, the interventions of Garfield’s friend and doctor, Dr. D. W. Bliss, brought about the demise of the nation’s twentieth president.
The Netflix series, House of Cards, is a study in manipulation tactics of expert, Machiavellian-type psychopaths. In this analysis, we identify the logical fallacies in the narrative of the psyhopathic Underwood couple. Manipulation tactics are war tactics, minus the bullets and bombs. This in-depth study of Season One sets out to convince the reader that manipulation is violence, practiced perfectly and precisely, by ruthless psychopaths, disguised as "public servants".
Did President Clinton know the 9-11 attack was coming? After reading this book, many will conclude he did. If you don't believe in government conspiracies, this book will change you forever. Throughout the book, the governments own top-secret documents details their conspiracies to commit assassinations and much more. New York Times Bestselling author and former LAPD Intelligence Detective Mike Rothmiller has spent decades painstakingly scouring various governmental archives in the United States and England to obtain these shocking and sometimes appalling pieces of history which are virtually unknown to the masses.
In this breathtaking cultural history filled with exclusive, never-before-revealed details, celebrated rock journalist Joel Selvin tells the definitive story of the Rolling Stones’ infamous Altamont concert in San Francisco, the disastrous historic event that marked the end of the idealistic 1960s.
In the annals of rock history, the Altamont Speedway Free Festival on December 6, 1969, has long been seen as the distorted twin of Woodstock—the day that shattered the Sixties’ promise of peace and love when a concertgoer was killed by a member of the Hells Angels, the notorious biker club acting as security. While most people know of the events from the film Gimme Shelter, the whole story has remained buried in varied accounts, rumor, and myth—until now.
Since the end of World War II, millions of gullible white Americans have been inundated with the fear that communism is spreading throughout the world and more importantly in the United States. America’s wealthy extreme right has a vested interest in maintaining and feeding this fear so they can expand their great wealth and preserve an economic system that benefits them alone. The Koch Brothers, their father before them and others have created a web of distortions filled with lies and conspiracy theories. Their intention is to captivate and enslave the minds of millions of regular Americans so they will believe everything they are fed from some right-wing media entities.
Revolution's End fully explains the most famous kidnapping in US history, detailing Patty Hearst's relationship with Donald DeFreeze, known as Cinque, head of the Symbionese Liberation Army. Not only did the heiress have a sexual relationship with DeFreeze while he was imprisoned; she didn't know he was an informant and a victim of prison behavior modification.
"An important work."John Prados, author of President's Secret Wars"This definitive account of the Phoenix program, the US attempt to destroy the Viet Cong through torture and summary execution, remains sobering reading for all those trying to understand the Vietnam War and the moral ambiguities of Americas Cold War victory. Though carefully documented, the book is written in an accessible style that makes it ideal for readers at all levels, from undergraduates to professional historians."Alfred W. McCoy, author of The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade
The culmination of nearly 30 years of reporting on Donald Trump, Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter, David Cay Johnston, takes a revealingly close look at the mogul's rise to power and prominence.
Covering the long arc of Trump’s career, Johnston tells the full story of how a boy from a quiet section of Queens, NY would become an entirely new, and complex, breed of public figure. Trump is a man of great media savvy, entrepreneurial spirit, and political clout. Yet his career has been plagued by legal troubles and mounting controversy.
The chilling true tale of two innocent sisters who are abducted, terrorized for hours, raped, and finally thrown from an isolated bridge into a dark canyon in the middle of nowhere on a dark night in 1973. One miraculously survived. The other did not.
Years later, author and journalist Ron Franscell--a childhood friend and next-door neighbor to the girls--can't forget his hometown's most shocking story of abduction, rape, and murder.
Are we all brainwashed? Or, have we lost our minds? The History of Subliminal Messaging in America
Posted directly outside President Clinton's Oval Office, Former Secret Service uniformed officer Gary Byrne reveals what he observed of Hillary Clinton's character and the culture inside the White House while protecting the First Family in CRISIS OF CHARACTER, the most anticipated book of the 2016 election.
John Lennon was a legend in his own time. Deprived of life at a young age, Lennon has become a symbol of the '60s and '70s peace movement. But what do we really know about him as a person?
“Anyone today visiting the house where Lynda Ann Healy lived with her friends, as I did in July 2015, will find it in a very nice neighborhood that is well maintained; perhaps better maintained now than in 1974. Standing in front of the structure, there is no obvious reminder that evil once invaded this dwelling in the middle of the night. Just off to the right of the front door, on the side of the house, is the door leading to the basement. It was through this door that Bundy would carry Lynda out into the chilly night air. As I walked up the steps my mind was riveted on that night. I thought of Bundy, and how he also had walked up these steps before slowly turning the doorknob that cold evening to see if it was unlocked. Having already written The Bundy Murders, I was well aware of what transpired there, and, at such a moment, it all becomes so very real. Indeed, in my view, the Lynda Healy abduction is the strangest of his career, and I don’t ever expect to hear of one more bizarre, either from the past or in the future.”
Trophy Kill: the Shall We Dance Murder. The Trial and Revelations of a Psychopathic Killer On July 1st, 2003 Susan Sarandon called police from the set of the Miramax movie Shall We Dance to report the theft of some of her jewelry, including a gold necklace. The next day Sidney Teerhuis calmly walked into a police station to report waking from a drunken blackout to find his acquantance dead in the bathtub. At the rented room police found the victim dismembered, beheaded, sawn in half, disemboweled and castrated with the chest sliced open and all of the internal organs gone! One eye had been removed and the body posed, crudely reassembled. Susan Sarandon's stolen gold necklace was found a few feet away from the murder-horror spectacle. Obsessed with celebrity, his role models-serial killers, with Susan Sarandon's stolen jewelry, Sidney hatches a diabolical plan to achieve his ultimate fantasy...
What could be more American than Columbus Day? Or the Washington Redskins? For Native Americans, they are bitter reminders that they live in a world where their identity is still fodder for white society.
"The law has always been used as toilet paper by the status quo where American Indians are concerned," writes Ward Churchill in Acts of Rebellion, a collection of his most important writings from the past twenty years. Vocal and incisive, Churchill stands at the forefront of American Indian concerns, from land issues to the American Indian Movement, from government repression to the history of genocide.
Churchill, one of the most respected writers on Native American issues, lends a strong and radical voice to the American Indian cause. Acts of Rebellion shows how the most basic civil rights' laws put into place to aid all Americans failed miserably, and continue to fail, when put into practice for our indigenous brothers and sisters. Seeking to convey what has been done to Native North America, Churchill skillfully dissects Native Americans' struggles for property and freedom, their resistance and repression, cultural issues, and radical Indian ideologies.
An Investigation Discovery based on a 33 year old Cold Case from the Atlanta Child Murders, known to the federal government of the United States as FBI ATKID Major Case #30: Missing and Murdered Children. “Ghost Killer: the Return of Darkness" is about the man who committed at least 10 of 30 murders on the Atlanta Police Special Task Force List. Wayne Bertram Williams was Indicted for two adult male murders, in which I have discovered documentary evidence within Federal Files and New York Times news, that substantiates testimonial affidavits literally proving beyond reasonable doubt that the convicted could not have murdered the two men for which the Ghost Killer is responsible. Consequently, the accused is now serving two consecutive life sentences.
In this stunning true crime thriller of Facebook, catfishing, and jealousy, a double-murder begins with the click of a button.
When Bill Payne and Billie Jean Hayworth began their romance, they unknowingly set in motion a diabolical plot that would end with them murdered in their own home, Hayworth holding their mercifully unharmed infant.
Chris was a CIA agent who was concerned about Jenelle. Seeing the cyberbullying she had endured, and worried for her safety, Chris got in touch with Jenelle’s protective parents, and her devoted boyfriend, warning them that Payne and Hayworth were a danger to Jenelle. He got especially close with Jenelle’s mother, Barbara, who thought of Chris like a son, though she had never met him. Chris claimed that surveillance of Payne and Hayworth revealed that the two of them were planning on harming Jenelle, that it was imminent, and that something needed to be done immediately. Chris promised that he would have their back if they were to act to protect Jenelle.
And so they did. Jenelle’s father, Buddy, and her boyfriend, Jamie, broke into the home of Payne and Hayworth and murdered them in their own home.
What the police investigation turned up, though, made this crime all the more terrifying. Jenelle had been Chris the entire time, catfishing her family and her boyfriend to act in vengeance on her behalf. Using forensic linguistics and diving through the brambles that Jenelle laid to cover her tracks, police were able to put together a chilling portrait of a sociopath, made all the more ruthless by the anonymity of her online life.
Bizarre and unforgettable, Dennis Brooks examines the crime and trial from all angles, bringing his expertise as the lead prosecutor in the strange and disturbing case.
Presenting startling new biographical details about Timothy McVeigh and exposing stark contradictions and errors contained in previous depictions of the "All-American Terrorist," this book traces McVeigh's life from childhood to the Army, throughout the plot to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building and the period after his 1995 arrest until his 2001 execution. McVeigh's life, as Dr. Wendy Painting describes it, offers a backdrop for her discussion of not only several intimate and previously unknown details about him, but a number of episodes and circumstances in American History as well. InAberration in the Heartland, Painting explores Cold War popular culture, all-American apocalyptic fervor, organized racism, contentious politics, militarism, warfare, conspiracy theories, bioethical controversies, mind control, the media's construction of villains and demons, and institutional secrecy and cover-ups. All these stories are examined, compared, and tested in Aberration in the Heartland of the Real, making this book a much closer examination into the personality and life of Timothy McVeigh than has been provided by any other biographical work about him
Inside The CIA’s Secret War In Jamaica tells the story of the campaign from the United States to destabilize the Michael Manley government in 1976 due to his ties to Fidel Castro. The book covers the rise of violence between the PNP (People’s National Party) and the JLP (Jamaica Labor Party), the assassination attempt of Bob Marley, and the rise of the Jamaica Shower Posse and its ties to the CIA. Gane-McCalla also takes an in-depth look into the events leading up to 1976 for both the CIA and the country of Jamaica including Jamaica’s history of pirates and slave rebellions, and its road to independence. To understand the nature and history of the CIA, the book gets to the bottom of the John F. Kennedy assassination, Watergate, CIA heroin smuggling in Laos during the Vietnam War, and cocaine trafficking during Iran-Contra, which involved the same players who were involved in destabilizing Jamaica.
With exceptional candor and shocking detail, Jan Jenkins wrote Footprints of Courage--the first look inside the tragic and untold saga of the Chris Jenkins murder investigation undertaken by the family who loved him. Chris's parents and sister took extraordinary measures to force the truth into the light by securing the assistance of global leaders in water rescue and recovery, analyzing autopsy and recovery photos for clues?the list of steps they were forced to take on their own initiative is endless.Chris's disappearance captivated a city, and then a nation, when the public learned that dozens of young men in the preceding twelve years had met a similar fate. While pushing to unravel the mystery of his murder, Chris's courageous family paved the way for federal involvement in the possible serial homicides of more than seventy victims.
Donald Trump is one of the richest and most famous men in America, but on what foundation has his success been built? Originally produced in 1991, this film investigates an unscrupulous reality behind this most public of figures.
Five Book Collection of the Bestselling Books. Five Book Series, 675 pages, featuring; Something in the Woods is Taking People, Hunted in the Woods, Predators in the Woods, Taken in the Woods, Mysterious things in the Woods. SOMETHING IN THE WOODS IS TAKING PEOPLE. Something unknown that we cannot define; something that others have had the misfortune to encounter. People snatched soundlessly, never to be seen again. Or returned; dead. A strange and highly unusual predator. Highly intelligent. Very successful. And able to overpower someone in an instant. This is a puzzle. An often deadly one. Here follows some very troubling and disturbing accounts. Something in the Woods is taking people....
In 1971 Paulette Cooper wrote a scathing book about the Church of Scientology. Desperate to shut the book down, Scientology unleashed on her one of the most sinister personal campaigns the free world has ever known. The onslaught, which lasted years, ruined her life, and drove her to the brink of suicide. The story of Paulette’s terrifying ordeal is told in full for the first time in The Unbreakable Miss Lovely, published by Silvertail Books. It reveals the shocking details of the darkest chapter in Scientology’s checkered history, which ended with senior members in prison, and the organization’s reputation permanently damaged.
In the winter of 1873, a small band of prospectors lost their way in the frozen wilderness of the Colorado Rockies. Months later, when the snow finally melted, only one of them emerged. His name was Alfred G. Packer, though he would soon become infamous throughout the country under a different name: “the Man-Eater.”
Americans have had an uneasy fascination with crime since the earliest European settlements in the New World, and right from the start true crime writing became a dominant genre in American writing.True Crime: An American Anthology offers the first comprehensive look at the many ways in which American writers have explored crime in a multitude of aspects: the dark motives that spur it, the shock of its impact on society, the effort to make sense of the violent extremes of human behavior.
Painstakingly honest, this chilling memoir reveals how a teenager became immersed in the bizarre life of legendary porn star John Holmes. Starting with a childhood that molded her perfectly to fall for the seduction of “the king of porn,” this autobiography recounts the perilous road that Dawn Schiller traveled—from drugs and addiction to beatings, arrests, forced prostitution, and being sold to the drug underworld. After living through the horrific Wonderland murders of 1981, she entered protective custody, ran from the FBI, and turned in John Holmes to the police. This is the true story of a young girl’s harrowing escape from one of the most infamous public figures, her struggle to survive, and her recovery from unthinkable abuse.
To most people, the music industry represents a source of harmless fun and entertainment. Beneath the glossy veneer, however, lies the devastating truth of who really controls these institutions, and the deeply malevolent agendas for which they're being used.
Mark Devlin is a long-standing DJ and music journalist. ‘Musical Truth’ is the culmination of his five years’ of research into the true nature of the industry and its objectives—from dark occult rituals, to mind-controlled artists, and all points in between. The book shows how these agendas fit into the much wider picture of what’s really going on in the world, and—crucially—how the power lies with us to bring it to an end.
In this real-life, explosive thriller, investigative journalist Yaron Svoray documents the reality of a subject that both horrifies and fascinates--the international underworld industry of the snuff movie: a video of an act of sex in which someone is actually killed. of photos.
Son, Husband, Father, War Hero - President of the United States
At 12:30 p.m. on November 22, 1963, John Fitzgerald Kennedy was assassinated. More than half a century has passed since that fateful moment, yet so many questions remain unanswered. Lone gunman? Conspiracy? And then there is that one big question: Does it still matter?
Let’s say you are a talented movie director, and you announced you are making a movie about how the Holocaust wasn’t real, or the Civil Rights movement never happened. There would be demonstrators in front of your studio protesting your movie because it is an abomination of history.
When Oliver Stone made JFK, there weren’t any such protests. There were some columnists who wrote that they thought it was bad history, but there was no public outcry. That’s because the Kennedy assassination has passed from history into entertainment.
It’s like a board game, ‘Who killed Kennedy?’ That’s unfortunate.
Through a series of interviews with key experts and researchers in the Kennedy assassination field, author Jacob Carter offers readers the unique opportunity to take a fresh look at one of the most pivotal moments in American history.
The sound of snapping twigs closed in on the five teenagers enjoying an evening around a glowing campfire at Gitchie Manitou State Park. The night of music and laughter had taken a dark turn. Evil loomed just beyond the tree line, and before the night was over, one of the Midwest’s most horrific mass murders had left its bloodstains spewed across the campsite. One managed to survive and would come to be known as the “Gitchie Girl.” Harrowing memories of the terrifying crime sent her spiraling out of control, and she grasped at every avenue to rebuild her life. Can one man, a rescue dog, and a glimmer of faith salvage a broken soul? This true story will touch your heart and leave you cheering that good can prevail over the depravity of mankind.
Invited to speak at Valparaiso University in a symposium on torture, E. Michael Jones found his time cut in half. His original plan was to show Israeli influence at Abu Ghraib, but that required first showing feminist complicity in the torture there. Abu Ghraib, like it or not, showcased the results of feminism in our culture.
His time cut in half, his presentation ended with feminism -- with Barbara Ehrenreich's claim that "a uterus is no substitute for a conscience." This enraged the lady professors at Valparaiso Law School who then excluded his paper from the law review for which it was intended.
Because of the abridgement of his talk at Valparaiso, he only told half the story there. You can also read the other half -- which is to say, the full story -- in this e-book.
Renowned cultural critic E. Michael Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine.
An all-in-one resource containing more than 15 years of research on the JFK assassination A map through the jungle of statements, testimony, allegations, and theories relating to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, this compendium gives readers an all-in-one resource for facts from this intriguing slice of history. The book, which took more than 15 years to research and write, includes details on all of the most important aspects of the case, including old and new medical evidence from primary and secondary sources. JFK: From Parkland to Bethesda tackles the hard evidence of conspiracy and cover-up and presents a mass of sources and materials, making it an invaluable reference for anyone with interest in the President Kennedy and his assassination in 1963.
Was the "Arab Spring" that recently swept the Middle East an authentic grass roots movement for democracy, or just another set of US-sponsored "Color Revolutions," aimed at toppling non-compliant rulers? Mainstream media portray it as a wave of spontaneous uprisings by impatient youth against old-line dictators, but Fall of the Arab Spring shatters this myth. With Egypt and Libya as case studies, it exposes the Arab unrest as US-engineered destabilization, targeting nationalist resistance to Western and Israeli domination. We see how the "Arab Spring" fits into history, and explore the tactics used. There is a world tendency to shift away from US hegemony to a system of multiple centers of power. To stave this off while buttressing Israel, Washington think tanks manufactured the "Arab Spring."
Assassinations. Drug running. False flag ops. A shadow paramilitary global network. Synthetic wars. CIA-NATO: A darker truth. Operation Gladio Plan B: Murder. OG 68—aka Greg McPhearson—no longer works for the company. The hunter has now become prey. He knows this beast: what created him and shattered his soul. Until Mai. When he opened the door to her three years ago, he opened what soul he had left. Yet he belatedly discovers that no amount of pride or power can ever replace one precious breath . . . When the CIA orders his FBI bosses to call off a sting, Special Agent Ryan Marcello decides to do some digging. He calls in senior analyst Elsie Simon, expert in the Turkey-Central Asian-Caucasus nexus, to help track down the high-level target with ties to ruthless power players in a global narcotics-terrorism ring. Every lead and each new suspect brings them that much closer to home. With Elsie’s help, and their lives at stake, the two begin their own investigation . . .
Why is Monsanto known as the "most evil" company in the world? Why have chronic diseases such as food allergies, obesity, autism, autoimmune diseases, diabetes and cancer become epidemic?
Written as a conversation between two people, this book is easy to read. However, it is filled with detailed information on GMOs, including the technology, testing and labeling, health risks, scientific studies, and effects on the ecosystem and biodiversity. The book also illustrates the history and the political influence of Monsanto--the biotech giant who, once known for making banned chemicals such as DDT and Agent Orange, now controls what Americans eat and drink.
The US government has spent half the time covering up conspiracies as it has spent helping the American people. In Hidden History, you will see the amount of effort over the past fifty years that our government has dedicated to lying and covering up the truth to the world.
Starting with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Don Jeffries chronicles a wide variety of issues that have plagued our country’s history. Whether it’s the assassinations of MLK and RFK, Iran-Contra, the Oklahoma City bombing, TWA Flight 800, voting fraud, or 9/11, every major disaster or war that we’ve witnessed has somehow been distorted by those who are supposed to be protecting us.
Jeffries also delves into extensive research on the death of John F. Kennedy Jr., and you’ll be shocked by what he finds out.
So whether you’ve only heard bits and pieces of these stories or have read several books on the topics, Hidden History is the book that belongs in every conspiracy theorist’s library, as the information included in this encyclopedia has never been collected together in any other published work available. So sit down, strap in, and get ready to be shocked and awed by how much has been hidden from you by our government over the past fifty years.
Drawing its inspiration from novels like 1984 and Gravity's Rainbow, with a dash of Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard Of Oz thrown in for good measure, The Unreals is an off-the-wall, thought-provoking, and very funny slice of fantasy. The plot revolves around an eccentric young man's search for his grandfather, who has mysteriously vanished, leaving a strange note behind as the only clue. A crazy and memorable cross-country search ensues, which includes towns and persons with names all related to the JFK assassination, exit signs and roads that seem imaginary, totally outrageous characters that appear and disappear with ease, and a magical, time-traveling cornfield. When the action moves to the Extremely Unreachable Ward in the sub-basement of a notorious mental institution, the fun really begins.
The Rodeo of Doom is a wild romp through the year of our lord 2384, where Henry Fields is a down on his luck adjunct professor in the Architecture Department at Andreas Tangen University in Los Angeles; but he has one thing going for him that others don't. He has enough of the coveted EP14 to live to be 200 if he wants to, not that hard. When he saves a woman from certain death with a few drops of the EP14, a corrupt government agency tries to blackmail him into selling off his supply. Just when it seems like it might be a good idea, all hell breaks loose.
"Don't start reading this book unless you have a few free hours. Many readers have already been fired for unexplainable absences from work duties."
Frank Betterton
"This book will singe the hairs off of a coyote's arse at a hundred yards. Proceed with caution."
Joseph Ping
May Pang was 22 when she began to work for John Lennon and Yoko Ono as a personal assistant. This is her story of life with John and Yoko.
"There were times I was a bit reticent in taking out my camera, like when some 'old friends' stopped by to hang out. I didn't want to intrude on these moments, but John insisted. He felt that I captured him in ways that no one else did because of his comfort level with me...For years, only my closest friends got to see these photos-which were literally tucked away in a shoebox in my closet. They were surprised that these images did not convey the John that was portrayed in the press during our time together. In fact, they saw a side of John seldom seen."-From INSTAMATIC KARMA
She shared his life, his music and his love. She was his intimate companion during the time known as-
May Pang was twenty-two. She was John and Yoko’s personal assistant, a trusted member of their inner circle of carefully chosen friends and associates. She budgeted and contracted for their albums and became an invaluable part of their creative and personal lives.
When John and Yoko separated, May was enlisted to care for John as he embarked on a period known as "The Lost Weekend" – an intense period of enormous creativity and violent self-destructiveness. She lived, worked, and fell deeply in love with Lennon.
A new book claims J. Edgar Hoover went through life passing for white!
Two people a universe apart, yet linked by a secret that would change both their lives - and the course of a nation -forever!
Rancho Cucamonga, CA - Imagine being a 10-year old, and told that if you repeat a family secret to anyone, your entire family would be killed as they slept? Now imagine being born and raised a white man, then told as a young adult tht you are black, in a society where the color of your skin can make the difference between unbounded success and complete obscurity...
Swearingen, a 25-year FBI veteran and world renowned whistleblower on FBI corruption and wrongdoing, now rips away the veil of secrecy concealing the FBI’s treasonous misconduct in the 45-year cover-up of JFK’s assassination. He names Cuban exiles; Chicago Mafia; and bad cops trained by the CIA’s twisted murder conspiracy. Swearingen established his credibility in FBI SECRETS, AN AGENT’S EXPOSE?, when he documented FBI fraud and dishonesty. He successfully forced the FBI to admit the truth in cases where the FBI had lied under oath to the courts and to the Congress.
Waterboarding terrorist suspects, CIA raids in Pakistan, and the truth about the invasion of Iraq—one CIA agent’s shocking true story!
Long before the waterboarding controversy exploded in the media, one CIA agent had already gone public. In a groundbreaking 2007 interview with ABC News, John Kiriakou defined waterboarding as torture—but still admitted that it probably was effective. This book, at once a confessional, an adventure story, and a chronicle of Kiriakou’s life in the CIA, stands as an important, eloquent piece of testimony from a committed American patriot. Kiriakou takes us into the fight against an enemy fueled by fanaticism, chillingly recounting what it was like inside the CIA headquarters on the morning of 9/11, the agency leaders who stepped up and those who protected their careers, and, in what may be the book’s most shocking revelation, how the White House made plans to invade Iraq a full year before the CIA knew about it—or could attempt to stop it.
In General Walker and the Murder of President Kennedy: The Extensive New Evidence of a Radical-Right Conspiracy, author Jeffrey H. Caufield explores the forces which led Oswald to be in Dallas that day. Dr. Caufield applies acquired academic methodology in rigorously researching the story through public records, private correspondence, and a number of sources not available to the general public until the Freedom of Information Act released them.
Meticulously researched over 25 years using documents from the National Archives, the FBI, and other archival sources--along with extensive personal interviews--this book presents a massive amount of new evidence. Never has there been such compelling proof of the involvement of the radical right and General Walker in the murder of the president.
Midnight Express tells the gut-wrenching true story of a young man’s incarceration and escape from a Turkish prison. A classic story of survival and human endurance, told with humor, honesty, and heart, it became the Academy Award-winning blockbuster film of the same name. In 1970 Billy Hayes was an English major who left college in search of adventures to write about, like his hero Jack London. He had a rude awakening when he was arrested at the airport in Istanbul trying to board a plane while carrying four pounds of hashish, and given a life sentence. After five brutal years, relentless efforts by his family to gain his release, and endless escape plotting, Hayes finally took matters into his own hands. On a dark night, in a wailing storm he began a desperate and daring escape to freedom… This is the astounding journey, told in Billy Hayes's own words, of those five years of living hell and of the harrowing ordeal of his time on the run.
“We are cozy cuddly/armed and dangerous/and we will/raze the fucking prisons/to the ground.” In an attempt to deliver on this promise, the George Jackson Brigade launched a violent three-year campaign in the mid-1970s against corporate and state institutions in the Pacific Northwest. This campaign, conceived by a group of blacks and whites, both straight and gay, claimed fourteen bombings, as many bank robberies, and a jailbreak. Drawing on extensive interviews with surviving members of the George Jackson Brigade, Guerrilla USA provides an inside-out perspective on the social movements of the 1970s, revealing the whole era in a new and more complex light.
This compelling and true life story screams of betrayal, deceit, and an unsolved mystery. It began when a budding young woman was lured into a cunning and deceptive scheme which eventually became her undoing. The tale may have gone unnoticed under normal circumstances. However, the plot thickened when a famous celebrity, Bill Cosby, was the target of a greedy rouse. The timing couldn’t have been worse as it fell on the heels of his son's murder. Ennis Cosby had been shot and killed the day an alleged extortion letter was delivered to the comedian demanding millions in hush money. During one of the most infamous trials of 1997 Cosby would face his adversary Autumn Jackson, and rue the day that she was born.
Dorothy Hunt, “An Amoral and Dangerous Woman” tells the life story of ex-CIA agent Dorothy Hunt, who married Watergate mastermind and confessed contributor to the assassination of JFK. The book chronicles her rise in the intelligence field after World War II, as well as her experiences in Shanghai, Calcutta, Mexico, and Washington, DC. It reveals her war with President Nixon and asserts that she was killed by the CIA in the crash of Flight 553. Written by the only person who was privy to the behind-the-scenes details of the Hunt family during Watergate, this book sheds light on a dark secret of the scandal.
This chronicle of espionage, drug smuggling, and elitism in Yale University's Skull & Bones society offers rare glimpses into this secret world with previously unpublished documents, photographs, and articles that delve into issues such as racism, financial ties to the Nazi party, and illegal corporate dealings. Contributors include Anthony Sutton, author of America's Secret Establishment; Dr. Ralph Bunch, professor emeritus of political science at Portland State University; Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin, authors and historians. A complete list of members, including George Bush, George W. Bush, and John F. Kerry, and reprints of rare magazine articles are included.
His curiosity piqued by an offhand comment by a relative, agent Magnesen launches his provate investigation into the controversial meeting between Howard Hughes and Melvin Dummar and the validityof the handwritten Howard Hughes Will which named Dummar as an heir.
Melvin Dummar had justice stolen from him and lost $158,000,000 as a result of a grand conspiracy to deny him his portion of billionaire, Howard Hughes', vast estate. Many consider Dummar to be a fraud and money grubber but an extensiv e in depth investigation by veteran FBI agent, Gary Magnesen, has shown Dummar to be nothing more than a Good Samaritan who saved Hughes from certain death as the old man lay alone in the cold Nevada desert in December of 1967. Why was Hughes, the renowned industrialist, movie producer, and test pilot in the desert to begin with? Who schemed to deny Dummar and several worthwhile institutions of their rightful share of the Hughes estate? Was the document known as the "Mormon Will" legitimate or a cunning fraud?
A groundbreaking work of investigative journalism, The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terrorism exposes how the FBI has, under the guise of engaging in counterterrorism since 9/11, built a network of more than fifteen thousand informants whose primary purpose is to infiltrate Muslim communities to create and facilitate phony terrorist plots so that the Bureau can then claim it is winning the war on terror. The paperback edition of The Terror Factory includes all new information on the FBI's counterterrorism efforts related to the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, as well as how the government has used (potentially illegally) FISA information in sting cases.
The anthrax letter attacks occurred from September through November of 2001, killing five and wounding many. The attacks were widely held to be the work of Muslims and were used to support the invasion of Afghanistan and, later, the invasion of Iraq. They were used explicitly and repeatedly to justify the passing of the Patriot Act. It came to grief quickly when scientists discovered that the anthrax spores had a domestic source and appeared to come from the heart of the US military and intelligence communities.
A white, working-class revolutionary, Sam Melville’s guerrilla bombings set in motion a flood of armed radical actions across the United States in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Once imprisoned, Melville became a key organizer and a crucial element of the notorious Attica prison riots, uniting prisoners across racial barriers and making the ultimate sacrifice for revolutionary change. Tracing his short life and rapid political development, this book highlights a much-needed example of an undying and uncompromising struggle for justice and liberation.
Che on My Mind is an impressionistic look at the life, death, and legacy of Che Guevara by the renowned feminist poet and activist Margaret Randall. Recalling an era and this figure, she writes, "I am old enough to remember the world in which [Che] lived. I was part of that world, and it remains a part of me." Randall participated in the Mexican student movement of 1968 and eventually was forced to leave the country. She arrived in Cuba in 1969, less than two years after Che's death, and lived there until 1980. She became friends with several of Che's family members, friends, and compatriots. In Che on My Mind she reflects on his relationships with his family and fellow insurgents, including Fidel Castro. She is deeply admiring of Che's integrity and charisma and frank about what she sees as his strategic errors. Randall concludes by reflecting on the inspiration and lessons that Che's struggles might offer early twenty-first-century social justice activists and freedom fighters.
Disclosing new factual material about the Watergate incident, this provocative exposé of the famed break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in 1972 reveals that the burglars were set up and explains how our historical consciousness has been altered to obscure the truth. Written by a confidential informant, this never-before-told story rewrites the accepted truth of the scandal that rocked the political world and the entire nation while taking readers on a behind-the-scenes tour of a major criminal investigation.
The Benoit murder-suicide in 2007 was one of the most shocking stories of the year, and a seminal event in the history of wrestling. It laid bare the devastating prevalence of steroids and its effects on users. In order to tackle the whole story, dig up the facts, and connect the dots, Irvin Muchnick gives the most sensational scandal in pro wrestling history the full true-crime treatment in Chris and Nancy.
In 1983, Nancy Argentino -- girlfriend of eventual WWE Hall of Fame wrestler Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka -- died mysteriously in a motel room outside Allentown, Pennsylvania. Author Irvin Muchnick's 1992 article about the incident (later collected in his 2007 book WRESTLING BABYLON) is the most authoritative account of what happened. On the 30th anniversary of Nancy's death, Muchnick has updated his material and added never-before-published photos and documents. In association with the Argentino family, all royalties from this project are being donated to Project Avalanche, a project of the church Centro Evangelical dei Fratelli in Salerno, Italy. The ministry is developing a 10,000-square-foot site, which is projected to house a women’s shelter, among many other programs.
Investigating the associations of Mohamed Atta and other terrorist pilots in Venice, Florida, as they prepared for the 9/11 attacks, this work discloses the FBI's massive post-attack cover-up to conceal their knowledge of the terrorists' activities. Unreported stories including the assassination attempt on President George W. Bush on the morning of September 11, 2001, and the rampant drug trafficking of the flight school financier are fully discussed, with attention to the stunning evidence of the CIA's knowledge that hundreds of Arab flight students were pouring into southwest Florida.
This is the story of Barry Seal, the biggest drug smuggler in American history, who died in a hail of bullets with George Bush's private phone number in his wallet...
The Wall Street Journal called Barry Seal "the ghost haunting the Whitewater probe." He was far more than that.
Based on a 3-year long investigation, Daniel Hopsicker discovered the ‘secret history’ the American Press was afraid to tell… Seal, the most successful drug smuggler in American history, was also — and not coincidentally — a lifelong CIA agent, one of the most famous who ever lived, active in everything from the Bay of Pigs to Watergate to the Kennedy Assassination. And all this before becoming famous for importing tons of cocaine through Mena, Arkansas in the Scandal that won’t go away.
Tom Secker shows how the official version of events, which blamed 4 British Muslim men, is a mess of contradictions, errors and fantasies.
Drugs as Weapons Against Us meticulously details how a group of opium-trafficking families came to form an American oligarchy and eventually achieved global dominance. This oligarchy helped fund the Nazi regime and then saved thousands of Nazis to work with the Central Intelligence Agency. CIA operations such as MK-Ultra pushed LSD and other drugs on leftist leaders and left-leaning populations at home and abroad.
The FBI War on Tupac Shakur and Black Leaders contains a wealth of names, dates and events detailing the use of COINTELPRO style tactics by the FBI against a generation of leftist political leaders and leftist musicians. Based on 12 years of research and includes over 1,000 endnotes. Sources include over 100 interviews, FOIA-released CIA and FBI documents, court transcripts, and many mainstream media outlets.
Laurel Canyon in the 1960s and early 1970s was a magical place where a dizzying array of musical artists congregated to create much of the music that provided the soundtrack to those turbulent times. Members of bands like the Byrds, Buffalo Springfield, the Monkees, the Beach Boys, the Eagles, Frank Zappa, Steppenwolf, CSN, Alice Cooper, the Doors, along with such singer/songwriters as Joni Mitchell, Judy Collins, James Taylor, Carole King, Jackson Browne, Judi Sill and David Blue, lived together and jammed together in the bucolic community nestled in the Hollywood Hills.
The specter of the marauding serial killer has become a relatively common feature on the American landscape. Reactions to these modern-day monsters range from revulsion to morbid fascination-fascination that is either fed by, or a product of, the saturation coverage provided by print and broadcast media, along with a dizzying array of books, documentary films, websites, and "Movies of the Week"
In The Ultimate Evil, Terry details the chilling events, proving that Berkowitz was an affiliate of—and triggerman for—a Satanic cult known as the Process Church of the Final Judgment.
Terry's work not only uncovers the cult's involvement in the "Son of Sam" murders but also finds their signature on other ritual slayings across the country.
Since the first publication of The Ultimate Evil in 1987, new evidence about the Process Church has emerged. From his prison cell, David Berkowitz has now confirmed Maury Terry's conclusions, making this updated edition even more extraordinary.
E. Howard Hunt, who sued this author for writing about his involvement in the JFK assassination or "The Big Event" confessed to being part of the crew and named Frank Fiorini Sturgis as one of principals; Coup D'Etat in America was the book that inspired Congressman Henry Gonzalez to introduce a bill in Congress that led to the formation of House Select Committee on Assassinations.
From observing Vice President Joe Biden’s reckless behavior that jeopardizes the country’s safety, to escorting Bill Clinton’s mistress at Chappaqua, to witnessing President Nixon’s friends bring him a nude stripper, Secret Service agents know a secret world that Ronald Kessler exposes in breathtaking detail.
Never before has a journalist penetrated the wall of secrecy that surrounds the U.S. Secret Service. After conducting exclusive interviews with more than one hundred current and former Secret Service agents, bestselling author and award-winning reporter Ronald Kessler reveals their secrets for the first time.
The never-before-told full story of the history-changing break-in at the FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania, by a group of unlikely activists—quiet, ordinary, hardworking Americans—that made clear the shocking truth and confirmed what some had long suspected, that J. Edgar Hoover had created and was operating, in violation of the U.S. Constitution, his own shadow Bureau of Investigation.
Consider the life of Enoch or Elijah as an illustration of this fact from the Old Testament, if you would! Missionary Ralph J. Knight belongs to this heavenly lineage of ordinary, extra-ordinary people! Signs and wonders, oracles and words of prophecy are part of the anointing that R.J. walks in daily!
You are invited to peer into the eternal realm while taking a true and rare journey to heaven. Are you or a loved one struggling with health, family or financial issues? To Heaven From Maine will provide solid answers that can be an anchor in these troubled times. This book also includes stories of the faithfulness of Father God through various visitations.
In May of 2006, Jessica's mystifying disappearance and a blood-soaked mattress turned into Nebraska's biggest news story. Enter Douglas County Sheriff's CSI stalwart Dave Kofoed, driven to solve high-profile murders and in this case would lead to questions surrounding the forensic evidence used against Edwards. "The case of Jessica O'Grady's disappearance remains controversial. ... A compelling account of a strange case."
Dixie Shanahan had a terribly troubled and abusive marriage in the sleepy little town of Defiance, Iowa. Then one summer day in 2002, Dixie's mean and wicked husband was gone. Some of the local residents presumed that Scott packed his bags and left town. But others were skeptical. After all, Scott's brown Ford pick-up truck was still parked in his driveway. The disappearance mystified Defiance for more than a year. Then in late October, 2003, the truth emerged ... or did it?
The bizarre death of Dr. Mary Sherman sets the stage for this gripping exposé of a web of secret-keeping which swept doctors into cover-ups of contaminated polio vaccines, cancer outbreaks, the arrival of the AIDS virus, and a deadly biological weapon tested on both monkeys and humans. Add Lee Harvey Oswald to the cast of this secret bio-weapon project, and this dark tale connects Oswald’s summer of secrets to the intrigue surrounding the assassination of President Kennedy.
A father’s last confession to his son about the CIA, Watergate, and the plot to assassinate President John F. Kennedy, this is the remarkable true story of St. John Hunt and his father E. Howard Hunt, the infamous Watergate burglar and CIA spymaster. In Howard Hunt's near-death confession to his son St. John, he revealed that key figures in the CIA were responsible for the plot to assassinate JFK in Dallas, and that Hunt himself was approached by the plotters
ilyn Monroe died under suspicious circumstances on the night of August 4, 1962. In The Murder of Marilyn Monroe: Case Closed, renowned MM expert Jay Margolis and New York Times best-selling author Richard Buskin finally lay to rest more than 50 years of wild speculation and misguided assertions by actually naming the screen goddess's killer.
Presidential Puppetry documents what many millions have long suspected: secretive elites guide our government leaders. The first book to analyze the Obama second term is also one of the first to examine the 2012 elections. Puppetry reveals scandals and shows why Congress, courts, and other watchdog institutions fail to report key facts about even the biggest news makers
The Bullying Workbook for Teens incorporates cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to help ease anxiety, fear, stress, and other emotions associated with being bullied. The workbook is made up of 42 step-by-step self-help activities designed to help you learn anti-bullying tips and strategies.